
Gimnasio La Montaña (GLM) is a non-profit corporation governed by a Board of Governors and a Board of Directors. This condition promotes and ensures a spirit of social ownership in accordance with the ideology of GLM’s founders, who see education essentially as a public service.

Principal and Vice Principal

High Council

Piñeros Ospina
Jaime Enrique
Medina Serrano
María Cristina
Zea de Durán
Sandra Marcela
Núñez Trujillo
Rafael María
de Brigard Merchán

Board of Directors

Yepes Barreiro
Guillermo Alberto
Isaza Mejía
Javier José
Suárez Esparragoza
Jorge Hernando
Hoyos Maya
Morales Sáenz
María Claudia García de Brigard
María Claudia
García de Brigard
María del Mar García de Brigard
María del Mar
García de Brigard
Cabrera Liévano
Yolanda Reyes Villamizar
Reyes Villamizar
Yepes Barreiro
Guillermo Alberto
Isaza Mejía
Javier José
Suárez Esparragoza
Jorge Hernando
Hoyos Maya
Morales Sáenz
María Claudia García de Brigard
María Claudia
García de Brigard
María del Mar García de Brigard
María del Mar
García de Brigard
Cabrera Liévano
Yolanda Reyes Villamizar
Reyes Villamizar

School Management Team

Made up of the principal, vice principal, and directors, this team is responsible for planning, defining, and the execution of policies and programs that involve the entire community.

Academic Council

Piñeros Ospina

Carolina Piñeros Ospina is an Industrial Engineer graduated from the University of Los Andes with a specialization in Personal and Family Development from the Family Institute of the University of La Sabana (2004). Ospina is one of the founders of Red PaPaz, from the Parents’ Association of the Gimnasio La Montaña in February 2003. Since April 2004, she has dedicated her professional career toExecutive Management. Before the establishment of Red PaPaz, Ospina has worked in multiple professional programs devoted to community service.

Jaime Enrique Medina Serrano
Jaime Enrique
Medina Serrano

Former student of the class of 2004. He is a lawyer specialized in Corporate Law and Financial Legislation and master in international financial law. He has a long career in the financial sector. Jaime Enrique is currently working as a senior lawyer at Bancolombia SA.

María Cristina
Zea de Durán

Lawyer graduated from the Santo Tomás University, Specialist in Administrative Law and University Teaching. She also has a degree in Early Childhood Education. Maria Cristina has dedicated her life to public service.

Sandra Marcela
Núñez Trujillo

Physician and Master of Health Administration from the Pontificia Javeriana University; She has a specialization in Epidemiology from the Rosario University, where she was also a postgraduate professor. Trujillo has further developed her career in the administrative area of ​​the health sector. She currently works as Medical Director of Novo Nordisk SAS.

Rafael María
de Brigard Merchán

Diocesan priest, parish priest of the Church of Christ the King. Philosopher and Theologian from the Major Seminary of Bogotá and Psychologist from the Pontifical Gregorian University of Rome.

Yepes Barreiro

Lawyer and Collegian from the Rosario University, magistrate of the Council of State in the period 2011-2019, Master’s in Contractual, extra-contractual, civil and State Liability from the Externado de Colombia University, specialist in Constitutional, public, and procedural law, with experience in professional practice and has been teaching in this field for over 30 years.

Guillermo Alberto
Isaza Mejía

Economista del Reed College y MBA de la Universidad de Los Andes. En la actualidad se desempeña como Director de CION, integración cooperativa. Ha desempeñado altos cargos directivos en Álvarez & Marsal y en Citibank. Cuenta con una importante experiencia en el sector financiero y en fusiones y adquisiciones de empresas.

Guillermo Alberto
Isaza Mejía

Economist from Reed College and MBA from Los Andes University. He currently works as the Director of CION, cooperative integration. He has held senior management positions at Álvarez & Marsal and  Citibank. He has significant experience in the financial sector and mergers and acquisitions of companies.

Javier José
Suárez Esparragoza

Ingeniero Civil de la Universidad de Los Andes, cuenta con Maestrías en Ciencias Actuariales y Finanzas de Georgia State University. Actualmente se desempeña como Presidente de Seguros Bolívar y Vicepresidente Corporativo del Grupo Bolívar. Es Miembro de la Junta Directiva de Davivienda. Tiene una amplia experiencia en los sectores financiero y asegurador.

Javier José Suárez Esparragoza
Javier José
Suárez Esparragoza

Is a Civil Engineer from Los Andes University and has a Master’s Degree in Actuarial Sciences and Finance from Georgia State University. He currently serves as President of Seguros Bolívar and Corporate Vice President of Grupo Bolívar. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Davivienda. He has extensive experience in the financial and insurance sectors.

Jorge Hernando
Hoyos Maya

Bachelor of the San Bartolomé La Merced College, Industrial Engineer graduated from Los Andes University, and MBA from the Business Institute of Madrid. He has served as Financial and Administrative Vice President of Reaseguradora Hemisférica, President of Seguros Atlas, Manager of Forjar Inversiones and Prominsa. He has been a university professor for over twenty-five years at Cesa, in the chairs of Social Responsibility, Business Sustainability and Strategy. He is a member of several boards of directors in companies in the real estate and service sector and in foundations dedicated to children, education, and the elderly. Maya is the representative of GLM on the Board of Directors of the Educational Alliance.

Morales Sáenz

Psicóloga de niños, experta en crianza, desarrollo infantil y regulación socioemocional. Es directora y fundadora del Taller de Desarrollo Infantil Vueltacanela, un proyecto en primera infancia de más de 30 años. Es cocreadora del Modelo Crianza con el Cerebro en Mente que acompaña a familias, maestros y cuidadores que participan en la crianza de los niños y niñas desde la investigación en neurociencias y el desarrollo del cerebro.

Morales Sáenz

Child psychologist, expert in parenting, child development, and socio-emotional regulation. She has been the director and founder of the Vueltacanela Child Development Workshop, an early childhood project, for 28 years. She is also the co-creator of the Parenting with the Brain in Mind Model that supports families, teachers, and caregivers who participate in the upbringing of children based on research in neurosciences and brain development.

María Claudia García de Brigard
María Claudia
García de Brigard

A lawyer from Javeriana University specialized in contract law and the mining and energy sector. He has 20 years of practice in negotiating national and international contracts, corporate governance, administration and strategic planning of legal processes, and managing transactions with private and government entities. She is a senior lawyer at Repsol Colombia Oil & Gas Colombia Limited.

María del Mar García de Brigard
María del Mar
García de Brigard

Alumnus of Gimnasio La Montaña in 1999, a lawyer from the Javeriana University, a Master in Private Law, and a Specialist in Financial Legislation from the University of Los Andes. He has more than 20 years of experience in the insurance sector. He currently works as vice president of compensation at Chubb Seguros S.A.

Cabrera Liévano

Exalumno del Gimnasio La Montaña de la promoción 2003. Administrador de empresas del CESA, MBA del Inalde Business School y experiencia en el sector aeroportuario, financiero y de mercadeo. Actualmente se desarrolla como Gerente de Crepes y Waffles, empresa a la que está vinculado desde hace más de 11 años. En sus años en el Gimnasio La Montaña (GLM) fue representante del Consejo Estudiantil en varias oportunidades, Personero y el primer Presidente nacional del Programa de Conciliación escolar de la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá.

Cabrera Liévano

Former student of the class of 2003. Business Administrator from CESA, MBA from Inalde Business School. With experience in the airport, financial, and marketing sectors. He is currently the Manager of Crepes and Waffles, a company to which he has been linked for more than 11 years. During his years at GLM, he was a representative of the Student Council on several occasions, the Ombudsman, and the first national President of the School Reconciliation Program of the Bogota Chamber of Commerce.

Yolanda Reyes Villamizar
Reyes Villamizar

Educadora, escritora y columnista del diario El Tiempo. Dirige la librería y el Jardín “Espantapájaros” y asesora instituciones nacionales e internacionales en políticas de educación y lectura. Entre sus libros figuran El terror de sexto B, La casa imaginaria, La poética de la infancia, Qué raro que me llame Federico y El reino de la posibilidad. Es ganadora del Premio Iberomericano de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil.

Yolanda Reyes Villamizar
Reyes Villamizar

Educator, writer, and columnist for the newspaper El Tiempo. She runs the bookstore and the “Espantapájaros” Garden and advises national and international institutions on education and reading policies. Her books include The Terror of Sixth B, The Imaginary House, The Poetics of Childhood, How Strange That He Calls Me Federico, and The Kingdom of Possibility. She won the Iberomericano Prize for Children’s and Youth Literature.